The Most Common Fire Hazards
6/8/2020 (Permalink)

Fire Damage Cleanup & Restoration is one of our primary services. No matter the season, a fire can begin by one of the most common ways listed below. Stay aware and know what to look for according to Wikipedia.
- Kitchen fires from unattended cooking, grease fires/chip pan fires
- Electrical systems that are overloaded, poorly maintained or defective
- Combustible storage areas with insufficient protection
- Combustibles near equipment that generates heat, flame, or sparks
- Candles and other open flames
- Smoking (Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, lighters, etc.)
- Equipment that generates heat and utilizes combustible materials
- Flammable liquids and aerosols
- Flammable solvents (and rags soaked with solvent) placed in enclosed trash cans
- Fireplace chimneys not properly or regularly cleaned
- Cooking appliances - stoves, ovens
- Heating appliances - fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, furnaces, boilers, portable heaters, solid fuels
- Household appliances - clothes dryers, curling irons, hairdryers, refrigerators, freezers, boilers
- Chimneys that concentrate creosote
- Electrical wiring in poor condition
- Leaking/ defective batteries
- Personal ignition sources - matches, lighters
- Electronic and electrical equipment
- Exterior cooking equipment - barbecue
Hoping these help you and your family stay safe. Know what causes fires, so you can avoid them!
If you experience a fire in your home and need assistance with the cleanup & restoration, please call us at (512) 420-9886. We are always here and happy to help!